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It's been a good year for me in podcasting. Writing blogs have always been more of a challenge, and last year I made blogs for my podcasts. It takes time to get your work seen and sometimes you might not have any luck at all. If you're posting what everyone is looking for, you may have better luck. Well, I've gained a little more luck because people seem to like listening to podcasts. I believe that people like hearing podcast better than reading information. Some people just don't like to read or don't have time. They can hear the podcast while they are busy around the house. I've been blogging for a long time and now I have something to add to them. 

This year I've decided to make websites for some of the podcast that seem to be getting some attention. I have started making sites at google sites. So far, I've had no visitors to the sites but hopefully I will as I work on them more. 

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